About Me

Hello, over the past three years, I've worked as an Android mobile developer, contributing to various projects involving the development of iOS applications using Swift & Objective-C, as well as cross-platform applications using Flutter. During this period, I encountered challenges such as creating user-friendly interfaces, writing efficient code, and ensuring consistency across different platforms. By working with different technologies, I have acquired extensive technical knowledge and achieved successful results in various projects.


Sept. 2020 - Jun. 2024
Mobile Software Developer
Basarsoft Information Technologies Inc.
Developed cross-platform mobile applications using Android (Java), Flutter, iOS (Swift & Objective-C) for various projects
#Android #IOS #Swift #Objective C #Kotlin #Java #Flutter
Sept. 2015 - Sept. 2020
Bachelor of Computer Science
Karabuk University
CGPA: 4.00 / 3.36

My Recent Blog

Creating a Blog with Jekyll and Publishing on GitHub Pages

2024-06-20 00:00:00 +0000


Learn how to create a blog with Jekyll, a powerful static site generator, and publish it seamlessly on GitHub Pages. This guide covers the installation, setup, content creation, and deployment process, making it easy for anyone to start their own blog.

Recent Projects

Chrome Extension - Steam Conversion to Turkish Lira

The Steam Türkiye Store now uses dollars instead of Turkish Lira due to our fascinating economy. This plugin calculates game prices based on the current exchange rate using the Binance API, enabling them to be displayed in Turkish Lira. Also You can create your own currency using "Sütlaç Mode". You can see how many rice puddings 🍚, how many breads 🥖 or how many kilos of lemons 🍋 you can buy for the price of a game you like on Steam, without the hassle of calculating. In this way, you can reconsider your priorities. 🚀

Yolbil Navigation App and Library

Yolbil Navigation application provides users with a reliable and comfortable driving experience through its turn-by-turn voice navigation feature. With Yolbil Navigation Library, developers can easily integrate navigation functionality into their applications, offering users a personalized navigation experience.

Dash Cam Star App

Developed a free, ad-free mobile app that turns smartphones into dashcams with AI-powered object detection for city and traffic signs. The app features loop recording, background operation, and minimal data usage. The application utilizes the TensorFlow Lite model for real-time traffic sign detection and also collects their locations.

Video Referee Training Application

Detection of the referee in the field and instant distance to the ball and heat map analysis using image processing techniques. (Supported by TUBITAK 2209-A program.)

2022 Emre Sarac